Monday, January 10, 2011

365 Days - Day 10

Today was just a normal day of running around (slowly since the back is still on the mend) getting groceries, looking for post Christmas deals etc. Once the kids get home from school, it is go go go, especially on Mondays since that is Meghan's long day at dance. She has hip hop at 5 and then irish until 7:30.  Since I hadn't gotten a picture all day I brought the camera to dance hoping to get something. I tried. I really did but this is the best I could do...

Meghan is all the way up front in the baby blue shirt. I liked that I had a pretty straight on shot of her from the doorway. They are rehearsing their dance for the recital in June.  The dances are so intricate and with so many moving parts, it takes months of practice to perfect them. I'm always awed by the choreography of Meg's dance teacher.

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