I am living with Marley.
I'm not kidding. Shamrock is nuts. I feel like its never going to get better. She's been horrible this winter. I think she is suffering from the same cabin fever the kids get. Since she has no one to argue and fight with, she wreaks havoc upon my home.
Here's her latest:
That is my bedroom carpet. I've been wanting new, but I kinda figured I'd be able to pick WHEN I got it!
What's this you ask?
Pretty, huh? Since the water dumps in the same place, it created a small hole which Shamrock has made increasingly larger. Now it is her personal, muddy watering hole.

I'm not kidding. Shamrock is nuts. I feel like its never going to get better. She's been horrible this winter. I think she is suffering from the same cabin fever the kids get. Since she has no one to argue and fight with, she wreaks havoc upon my home.
Here's her latest:
What's this you ask?
That would be the line that runs underground from my sump pump to the drain.
Why is it uncovered?
I betcha you can guess. . . That's right, Shamrock. After she pulled the hose out of the house we had to make a temporary fix. This is it:
This is what she looks like after she's been playing in the mess:
Still not convinced I'm living with Marley? Well, here's my couch:
She has been suffering from an undiagnosed bladder infection. Before the medication, she was up at least once during the night for a potty break. She could go 4 hours tops...at 10 months old. Since November, I have cleaned up more pee than when Caden was potty training! Thankfully after a few days of the medication, that's starting to get better. My bedroom hasn't been her personal toilet in about 3 days! Progress!!!
I've lost:
- curtains,
- pillows (bed and throw),
- a comforter,
- 2 blankets (including the one a college friend quilted for my wedding),
- endless rolls of toilet paper and kleenex,
- the kids homework (imagine writing that note to the teacher!),
- stuffed animals,
- barbies,
- shoes,
- webkinz (and those suckers are expensive),
- brushes
- my hardwood is warped in about 5 spots due to pee not caught quickly enough
- my (brand new) glass have bite marks and scratches
- my DEBIT CARD for God's sake! The little credit card slider thing at Target won't even accept it because of the bite mark!
(Notice how all this is plural??)
I've had enough!!! Even Guiness, the devil dog, was never this bad! The problem is she's so damn cute and snuggly. She knows when she's pushed you to the brink and then she turns her pretty golden eyes up at you and then the melting occurs.
Someday she's going to be a great dog...someday.
Someday can't come soon enough!!