Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Project 365 - Day 11 "The Greeter"

Why am I finding it so hard to take pictures? Seriously.  I took almost 500 pics between Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and now I can't find one to take!  I finally settled on Shamrock because she will actually sit for a picture. Godiva gets too excited that you are looking at her and thinks a treat is forthcoming!  I got home from picking Meghan up at dance and Shamrock came to greet me with a shoe in the mouth, as usual.  At least she doesn't destroy...

(As usual, please ignore the ever present laundry basket.)

I went to work for the first time today since pulling my back on Thursday. Unfortunately because I am so short, I only own shoes with heels besides my gym shoes which are a little frowned upon at school.  By the time I got home, I had pain shooting up my right "cheek" and into my lower back pretty badly.  I'm finishing this post and then taking my fabulous muscle relaxers and sliding off into dream land! I love muscle relaxers.  Back to work tomorrow but I'm going to try and work my solid black gym shoes into the outfit. Wish me luck.

Monday, January 10, 2011

365 Days - Day 10

Today was just a normal day of running around (slowly since the back is still on the mend) getting groceries, looking for post Christmas deals etc. Once the kids get home from school, it is go go go, especially on Mondays since that is Meghan's long day at dance. She has hip hop at 5 and then irish until 7:30.  Since I hadn't gotten a picture all day I brought the camera to dance hoping to get something. I tried. I really did but this is the best I could do...

Meghan is all the way up front in the baby blue shirt. I liked that I had a pretty straight on shot of her from the doorway. They are rehearsing their dance for the recital in June.  The dances are so intricate and with so many moving parts, it takes months of practice to perfect them. I'm always awed by the choreography of Meg's dance teacher.

365 Days - Day 9

So this project is proving to be harder than I thought it would be just because my life isn't all that interesting. I'm busy for sure but cool stuff to photograph everyday, not so much.  But I'm committed to doing this so I will continue to bug people by bringing my camera everywhere! Haha.

For Christmas, our budding "Cake Boss" asked for a mini-donut maker and my in-laws kindly obliged.  We busted this out Sunday morning to test it out.  In my infinite wisdom, I made a double batch. The donuts are so tiny and I just figured only one batch wouldn't be enough, there would be fights and chaos, blah blah blah. So double batch it was.  Here was our results:

I ended up just dipping most of them in powdered sugar or cinnamon sugar just for ease. There were "recipes" for glazes but I'm not a huge baker and flat out didn't understand what the heck I was supposed to do!

They were pretty good, however I'm not sure if there is any such thing as a bad donut??

Sunday, January 9, 2011

365 Days - Day 8

Once again since I still felt like crap, not a lot of picture taking happening.  The one shot I did get is a view of our life this past week.  Since the Superbowl is coming up, both Caden's baseball team and Meghan's dance group were selling superbowl squares and Bryan was in charge of both.  Needless to say, when you are selling 200 superbowl squares, you get a lot of email.  He spent so much time putting in names and keeping track.  Thank goodness they both sold out in 4 days!

Nice laundry basket in the background, huh? The point is to chronicle real life and goodness knows that laundry is a big stinkin' part of mine!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

365 Pictures Day 5, 6 and 7

Day Four was Wednesday.  I spent most of my day on a wild goose chase for a cute knit hat to use for pics with my nephew.  I finally ended up coming home at the same time as the kids.  That night Caden had basket ball practice and I tried to get a good shot of him playing but it was not meant to be.  Instead I got this cute shot of Meghan "patiently" waiting for practice to end. I did a little editing in Photoshop with some M4H actions. She's all decked out in "Peanut Butter"!

Day 5 started out pretty good.  I got a nice long nap on the couch and then Bry texted to see if I wanted a lunch date. Duh? Of course!  So we had a nice lunch at a local restaurant and came home. I was in the middle of doing laundry and picking up a half full laundry basket when I heard a pop in my lower back and just fell to the ground.  The pain was excruciating.  I got a prescription for some muscle relaxers and steroids to help the swelling in my back.  Now, on Saturday, I feel much better but still walk like a little old lady. I had planned on taking much better pics but this is the only one I have from that day.  Shamrock was soundly sleeping on the couch (where she is NOT supposed to be) with the sunlight warming her up.

Last but not least is Friday.  I felt much better yesterday but I still had a hard time moving around.  On top of that, the muscle relaxers make my body feel like it is filled with lead and I just want to go to sleep!  Today we are only taking 1/2 considering I have two basketball games to go to as well as picking Meg up from rehearsal.  Falling asleep sitting up would not be good! But its only fitting that the last picture is of the things that are sustaining me right now.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My challenge for 2011

So for the last couple of years, the blog/scrapping/photography world has had a 365 days challenge. Take a picture a day for the entire year.  I've admired it but never attempted it. This year I am actually going to try.  I am successful so far except for January 1st. The picture I used was technically taken on the 1st, just very very early in the morning. :)  Just wasn't in the shape for picture taking on the actual day.  The rest however, I'm doing really well with.

We are now at the 4th of January and this is what I have so far....

January 1

My first self-portrait of the year, with my lovely friend Janice.
January 2

This would be the mess on my dining room table after taking down the real Christmas Tree and putting it out on the curb for recycling.  Unfortunately, this mess is still there.

January 3
This pic is probably my favorite because it is the kids backpacks all lined up and waiting for them to take them and get on the bus. That's right.... school is back in session!!

January 4
This is today's picture.  It is basically all I am able to drink right now.  I have given up Coke for my New Year's Resolution.  "People" say that you can lose a lot of weight by foregoing soda so I'm going to try.  We'll see if I've lost any weight by the end of this month.  That will pretty much determine if I keep up with it! I miss my pop sooooo much!

So that's it for now.  Fingers crossed I'll be able to keep up, especially once baseball/softball season starts.