Wednesday, August 27, 2008

First Day of School

First day of school! Music to my ears. If you ask my kids what mom does after they get on the bus for the first day of school, they will tell you ( in a monotone, annoyed voice) "she has a margarita party". I am simultaneously doing a happy dance behind them. Cracks me up every time and annoys the crap out of them every time. In fact, I did go to a friends house for "coffee" and cinnamon rolls. (I don't do coffee, I do fountain Coke from McDonalds).

Before all that however, we had a fun filled morning of stuffing down breakfast and getting dressed, teeth brushed, etc in 45 minutes when during summer that took about 2 hours. We made it to the bus in plenty of time even with taking some cute pics of my kids.

And here they are: (Drumroll please...)

Isn't she cute?? She's excited to get back to school and see her friends but she's a bit worried about how hard it's going to be. We'll see soon enough.

This is my big 3rd grader! He was nervous because he's starting a new school. Our district has one school for Kindergarten to second grade and then you go to a different school that is 3rd to 5th grade. The school looks exactly the same except reversed but he was afraid of getting lost. My poor boy. ( He made it fine, btw, just like I knew he would)

This is the best picture I could get of all three of them because the little one is so excited to get them out of the house! He had the tv to himself, whatever snack he wanted without sharing, and of course no one competing for mom (except Shamrock)!

Ah the peace. Ah the quiet. I love school.


Unknown said...

Glad it went well for all of you!

Great photos, but don't think I could cope without a school uniform for our kids - way to much indecision!

Unknown said...

I would love a uniform as I grew up wearing one but unless the kids go parochial, no such luck!