Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Got Ghilles?

My daughter Meghan has been taking Irish Dance classes since this past summer. She absolutely loves it. It is high energy, fairly easy to learn and loves, loves, loves her teacher.

Prior to Christmas she had been complaining to anyone who would listen, that she was the only girl in class that did not have ghilles. For those of you that don't know what ghilles are, it's this:

They are $85 Irish Dance Shoes. Why are they so expensive? Because China doesn't make them yet. They are imported from either Ireland or Italy and made out of leather, etc.

Anyway, Meg was bummed so my mom (thank God for grandparents) offered to buy them for her for Christmas.

Today was her first class since getting the shoes. After 10 minutes of trying to figure out how to get them on and tied, etc, she runs into class to proudly show off her first pair of ghilles to her teacher! I was so happy for her.

When class was over I asked if her teacher was excited that she got new shoes and with a sad expression, she said "no". I asked what she did say and Meghan said her response was simply "good".

Now I'm sure the teacher just needed to get class going, especially since we were a little late getting in there what with all the tying and untying going on, but I just wish she could have taken a quick second to remember when she was 6 and got her first pair of ghilles and how proud and excited she probably was.

Oh well. Meghan has probably moved on already and its just me who is sad for her. But I am excited for her! I guess that's why I'm her mom.

1 comment:

forcryeye said...

That is super exciting. Congrats Meghan! I know just what you are talking about, Angelina's first pointe shoes were even more, and a major step in her dance career!!! I'm putting your link on my blog...hope that is ok.