Sunday, October 24, 2010

My new chair

I have a good friend who really enjoys shopping at thrift stores.  She swears by them and says you can find anything you need at the Goodwill. Me...not so much.  I hate the smell that assaults you when you walk in the door.  What is the smell?? Musty, dusty, moldy gross smell.  I make it a point to avoid thrift stores at all costs ... unless I need something. Like today.  My friend calls and says she has found a chair at Goodwill for me.  You see, last night we were at a baseball fundraiser and she was talking about her latest thrift store trip. I said that if she ever came across a cool, old, vintage looking chair to let me know. I was looking for one as a prop for photography. 

This is the awesome chair she found...

The best part is it was only $6.99!!!  Look at the circles on the arms. Love it.

Here is that super cool chair on a mini photo session with Meg so I could see how it will look...

Don't cha love it!

Bryan.. not so much. I wish I had my camera ready when I took it out of the car.  It was a mixture between disgust and confusion and I'm sure a bit of dismay knowing I will want to keep it in the garage! Poor Bryan. It's only gonna get worse. I have her on the lookout for a red velvet one too!


Funky Col Madeya said...

I adore your chair. I kinda have a thing for chairs. Everytime we go to Galena, I want to buy several; they always have really intereting ones like the one you just got.

I'm so glad we were together on Friday. What a gift. I am looking forward to exploring my dance, photography and writing. It will be a wonderful journey to share.

Unknown said...

I actually really like the chair and would recover it and use it!! But it looks really good in the picture!