Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My challenge for 2011

So for the last couple of years, the blog/scrapping/photography world has had a 365 days challenge. Take a picture a day for the entire year.  I've admired it but never attempted it. This year I am actually going to try.  I am successful so far except for January 1st. The picture I used was technically taken on the 1st, just very very early in the morning. :)  Just wasn't in the shape for picture taking on the actual day.  The rest however, I'm doing really well with.

We are now at the 4th of January and this is what I have so far....

January 1

My first self-portrait of the year, with my lovely friend Janice.
January 2

This would be the mess on my dining room table after taking down the real Christmas Tree and putting it out on the curb for recycling.  Unfortunately, this mess is still there.

January 3
This pic is probably my favorite because it is the kids backpacks all lined up and waiting for them to take them and get on the bus. That's right.... school is back in session!!

January 4
This is today's picture.  It is basically all I am able to drink right now.  I have given up Coke for my New Year's Resolution.  "People" say that you can lose a lot of weight by foregoing soda so I'm going to try.  We'll see if I've lost any weight by the end of this month.  That will pretty much determine if I keep up with it! I miss my pop sooooo much!

So that's it for now.  Fingers crossed I'll be able to keep up, especially once baseball/softball season starts.

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